Dream Goal Planning
Achieving Financial Goals

You do not always have to think long term. Investing is as much a tool for shaping your present financial situation as it is for forming your future one. Do you want to buy a BMW next year? Want to go on a cruise from Seattle to Morocco? a vacation that was paid for with dividends feel nicer? 

Investing can be used as a way to enhance your employment income, helping you to buy the things you want. Because investing changes along with the investors desired goals, this type of investing are not like retirement investing. Investing to achieve financial goals involves a blend of long term and short term investments. If you are investing in the hope of buying a house, you will almost certainly be looking at longer term instruments. If you are investing to buy a new computer in the New Year, you may want short term investments that pay dividends or some high yield bonds. The caveat here is that you need to pinpoint your goals first. If you want to go on a vacation in a year, you have to sit down and figure out the cost of the vacation in total and then come up with an investing strategy to meet that goal. If you do not have a set goal, the money that should be going into that investment will doubtless be used for other purposes that seem more pressing at the time(Christmas presents, a night out, and so on). 

Investing to achieve financial goals can be very exciting and challenging. Combining the pressure of time constraints with the fact that you are not usually dealing with large sums of vital money (as in retirement investing), you may be less risk averse and more motivated to learn about higher yield investments (growth stocks, shorting, etc.). Best of all, there is a tangible reward at the end.     

Mutual Fund

An professionally managed investment vehicle which offer diversification benefits while pursing investment objective of income generation, wealth preservation & wealth creation.